Paris bombar!


Paris Hiltons senaste film "
The Hottie and the Nottie" hade i genomsnitt under fyra besökare per visning de tre första dagarna den visades i USA.  Äntligen väljer biobesökarna bort undermåliga filmer. Varför skedde inte detta med "Meet the Spartans"?
The Hottie and the Nottie
Filmer som "The Hottie and the Nottie" och "Meet the Spartans" får mig att tänka på ett skivrecensionscitat från filmen "This is Spinal Tap":

"On what day did God create Spinal Tap, and couldn't he have rested on that day too?"

Nu är jag bara rädd för folk som Tanden som går och ser filmer just på grund av att de ska vara dåliga.


Jag sökte MRQE efter recensioner. Detta hittade jag:

Los Angeles Times:
It's not like Paris Hilton to rise above her material, but "The Hottie and the Nottie" sinks so low that all she has to do is stand upright.

"...a cinematic excursion so horrific that it's an insult to bad movies to call it a bad movie." "Some insight to the answer can be found by perusing the credits, which list Ms. Hilton as an Executive Producer. Since Executive Producers are often responsible for providing the money, this explains a lot."

Rolling Stone:
"That generous half star rating I tacked onto to this comedy abomination is all for Paris Hilton. Come on, it takes guts (or gross dim-wittedness) to appear on screen again after House of Wax."
 "At this point, Paris is never going to be a respectable actress, and her appearance in the film signals an astonishing lack of imagination and basic design of competence from the production. So, one can imagine the disgust of watching of movie where she's the best thing in it."
"The Hottie & the Nottie doesn't exactly ask you to like it, being almost pathologically upfront with its incompetence and banality."

Boston Herald:
"With Hilton's reported devotion to philanthropy, how many starving people could have been fed with the $9 million used to make this clunker?"

The New York Sun:
"Thinly written by Heidi Ferrer (whose slight résumé includes two episodes of "Dawson's Creek") and stuffed with flat humor, the film begins as a cinematic ego boost for Ms. Hilton, but by the end even Nate is bored with her. "The Hottie and the Nottie" is yet another feather in the cap of a woman whose career thrives on making millions of dollars on products that no one seems to want."

New York Post:
" Hilton's face, like her name, is a hotel, but one in which every room is sparkling and vacant. It's as if she's looking past the other actors to see if anyone more interesting has arrived on the set. Possibly cue cards were involved, although that would presume she can read.

Her only convincing gesture is flicking her hair to unstick it from her visible-from-space lip gloss, a move she pulls off expertly. Otherwise she makes Bo Derek looks like Meryl Streep."

"THE HOTTIE & THE NOTTIE (PG-13). Ugly duckling fable about gorgeous girl and her grotesque BFF (best friend forever). Makeovers will ensue. Also, brain damage."

Postat av: Tanden (andy)

Ehem! Att gå på bio för att se filmer som är dåliga har jag aldrig gjort, att se dem på andra sätt möjilgvis. Men jag har börjat att glida över till att se bra filmer istället...

2008-02-16 @ 14:46:54

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