News Bulletin in English

It is 3:30 in the morning. And I can't sleep. The wall is making sounds. First I thought it was my neighbour's dog scratching the wall but then I realised that the sound comes from the wall between my bedroom and my bathroom. It must be a bloody rat, a bird or some other small animal. It has been making noise now for more than an hour. It is impossible to get some sleep.
My fears are more than one. First of all I fear that the animal will die inside the wall and begin to smell. The other fear is that I don't know how thick the wall is. Is it possible for a rodent to gnaw itself through a wall? Maybe it has giant teeth and will locate them in my leg while I have dozed off? Then I get some sort of virus, become a zombie and terrorize the neighbourhood, be captured and live in the cellar with my victims? 
In any case, I will not sleep tonight. The blessing in disguise is that tomorrow will be Sunday. No work and perhaps I can get some sleep then.
Tomorrow I will also call the landlord and see what he says.


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