Kjula hopp Kjula hej

Today I went to Kjula to work. It was a lot of effort for 4,25 hours of actual paid work. The library is situated in the school area but the bus stopped at the kiosk, one kilometer away. Usually it is no bother, it only took fifteen minutes (maybe  twenty) to walk from the bus. But It was cold, 10-15 below. And on the way home, the road (which had no pavement) wasn't lit up. I was an accident waiting to happen. But all in all the day was fun. I had never actually been in Kjula before, only driven past, like most of us do.

My parent gave me a digital camera for Christmas. Collecting dust is what it does best. I have to begin using it (begin the begun, as Artie Shaw said) and put some nice pictures in the blog.

I have only had complaints of the fact that I am writing in English. Perhaps I will listen to the critics?

I want a couple of these by Åke Holm. Anyone who can offer me them cheap (these heads or the biblical ones, an example beneath):


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